Perhaps you have mentally prepared for the tidal wave predicted to hit our nation this evening. Maybe you are ready for the worst, you have stocked up on self-medications and can numb yourself enough to ride out the storm. You might be filled with anxiety and stress, dreading the news and the smug gloating by the "sore winners". You despise the predictions, pundits, politicians and cannot feel much love for your fellow countrymen. Maybe you want to pack up your stuff and move to Costa Rica when the wave recedes.
I, too, have been filled with despair over the apparent collective amnesia of our country. However, this past weekend I was in Washington, DC, and once again, I was filled with hope, I have renewed faith, especially after spending Halloween night trick or treating with President Obama....
What a weekend, what a city...My husband and I drove cross-country from Colorado to meet up with our friends who live in DC, and to attend the Rally to Restore Sanity. My daughter and 11 of her college friends from University of Georgia piled in a couple of cars and drove all night to DC for the rally, and we rendezvoused at the Mall for a truly amazing experience.
The numbers being thrown around for the crowd size do not take into account all those who tried to get to the rally but could not due to the overflow Metro, clogged streets, and those who left to watch the rally at home upon realizing that they could not see or hear from the back half of the Mall. Every restaurant within blocks of the Mall was jammed pack with customers before and after the rally, and the festive atmosphere filled the city over the entire weekend. I have never been in a crowd where so many people stood politely in a claustrophobic situation for so long. It was a beautiful thing to witness. And, btw, the humor and music went over much better live than on tv, with only a few groans for some of the cheezier lines....
Thinking that the rally was to be the highlight of the weekend, we relaxed Sunday, took in some museums, and dressed in costumes for a Halloween party with our friends. We spent the evening in Alexandria, on Lee St., apparently the epicenter for parties, haunted houses, great costumes, and massive numbers of trick or treaters...Those who live on this particular street plan for up to 2000 kids.
It is a lovely neighborhood, small historic houses overlooking the river, and I felt as though I was on a movie set with adults and kids dressed in costumes wandering through the golden light. My husband and I were stationed at one of the many parties going on that evening on this blocked off street, and were astonished when the next-door neighbors walked in, dressed as Barack and Michelle Obama. This guy was perfect. He had Air Force One windbreaker, white shirt, skinny dark pants, and skinny tie, and a great Obama mask; from a distance, he was the President.
The reaction from the crowd of trick or treaters and their parents was truly amazing. As "Mr. President" stood at the door waving and handing out candy, kids would stop in their tracks with a look of wonder on their faces. Children really do love this man. Huge crowds gathered to take pictures with the President, and many wanted to just touch him, or hug him. I saw reverence on faces, and real admiration. Not one person said anything even slightly negative. At one point, the first couple walked down the street in the mass of costumed humanity, and it became a parade. People came up to thank him, shake his hand. Cameras flashed, kids stared with their mouths wide open, then broke out in smiles, everyone pointed, applause erupted. This was a racially mixed crowd, and black and white and all shades of brown reacted in the same way. At several times in the evening, chanting started, "Yes, we can", "Obama", I heard a man tell his son, "That is Daddy's boss".
Ironically, the neighbor dressed as the President was a Republican, and told me early in the evening that he intensely disliked the President, and I guess his costume was an inside joke for him. He was shocked by the crowd reaction, and a little dismayed. He took off his mask at times during the night, but the crowd called out for more, and he reluctantly put it back on and came back out for more adulation. I am hoping some of the love he received warmed his heart and worked some magic on him. Sure made me feel better.
Here's to love conquering fear. Go Vote!